“If you’re going to celebrate when you win, you’ve got to face the music when you lose,” – Jim Rome
Apparently, Cam Newton just can’t escape the shame of losing Super Bowl 50. After dabbing all season in victory, he struggled against the Broncos as evidenced in the Panther’s 24 to 10 loss.
Newton took quite a bit of flack for walking out of the post-game press conference. Some have come to his defense and stated that overhearing the Broncos defense talking in the background was the contributing factor. Others, like Jim Rome, said what no one else was brave enough to say in that Newton should have stuck it out and answered reporter’s questions.
While some may not be willing to trash Newton publicly, there were some willing to take to Wikipedia anonymously and troll the MVP quarterback.
Prior to the game, his Wikipedia page was in protection mode which allowed only those with Wikipedia accounts to edit. This was after persistent vandalism to the page. The protection was lifted prior to the game but did not take long to get added back, thanks to some of the more than likely inebriated comments below.

Wikipedia is always fun for a few laughs, but there are many who are unaware that their page gets trolled. With so many fans, you can bet that vandalism on Newtons’ page does not last long before being reverted. How about you? Have you checked your Wikipedia page lately?